The following paper was presented at IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems & Techniques (IST), which was held on 9-10 December 2019: V. Sakkalis, M. Pediaditis and S. Sfakianakis, “Towards an unobtrusive baby monitoring system for real-time detection of...
The Kick-off meeting of the project xVLEPSIS was held on October 9, 2018, at FORTH, Crete, Greece, in a feeling of cooperation and enthusiasm. The main topics of the conversation among the partners were the objectives and requirements of the project, as well as the...
Welcome to the website of the xVLEPSIS project! Here you can find information about the project (the collaborating partners, the progress of the project, and more) and have access to the deliverables of the project, throughout its duration. Therefore, stay tuned and...
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